*UPDATE*: The call for nominations is now extended until Friday, January 28. All other instructions for self-nomination remain the same.
As Maria’s term has come to an end, we are now looking to elect a new co-chair of the Comedy and Humor SIG! The position is open to faculty, postdocs, and independent researchers. We will be accepting nominations until 11:59pm EST on Friday, January 7. We will release information about online voting shortly thereafter.
What does it mean to be a Comedy and Humor SIG steering committee member? It includes communicating with the other committee members (Evelyn and Kriszta) via e-mail and Zoom intermittently throughout the year, organizing our SIG meeting at the conference, and reading and providing feedback on the smart essays submitted for our grad student essay prize.
Here is the official job description:
"The Comedy and Humor Studies Scholarly Interest Group (CHS SIG) promotes and advances work in the fields of comedy and humor studies, provides a means for those engaged in the fields to converse and collaborate with one another, and supports collaborative scholarship between our members and the SCMS membership at large.
The duties of co-chairs and graduate student representative include reviewing panels and workshops for sponsorship, organizing social and special events (such as screenings) at the annual Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) conference, facilitating the conference annual meeting, taking notes at the annual meeting, deciding how to spend the SIG funds at each annual SCMS conference, maintaining resources for SIG members on the SCMS website, on the SIG Facebook page and on the CHS SIG Twitter account, communicating with SIG members through the website and email and in general seeking to facilitate communication among the members (such as graduate students seeking mentor whose work is similar to theirs)."
SCMS members in good standing are invited to nominate themselves for three-year terms. To nominate yourself, please send an e-mail to scmscomedysig@gmail.com and include: a short explanation of why you want to be the SIG co-chair, your vision for the SIG moving forward, and a brief bio.
Please be in touch with any questions!
Kriszta, Evelyn, and Maria